Digitally French

Digitally French

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The SnapChat Project

A Successful SnapChat Assignment

Technology was not the goal in this project.  I am not teaching my students "how" to use Social Media and I am not requiring them to even "have" a SnapChat account.  However, what this project did accomplish was it allowed students to "start conversations" and "join partners" while using SnapChat as the mode of communicating.

 The project:
1.  Select someone in your group who has a SnapChat account to be the recorder.
2.  Select someone in your group to dress up.
3.  Take their picture and add a caption using the verb 'Porter', mention one color, and mention one other adjective.
4.  Post the picture to your story and then send it to my account: stillingsfrench

 The result?  A lot of fun in the class and a chance for students to improve their writing proficiencies.  I saw a lot of errors in their products.  Reflection:  I took a screen shot of each "Snap" sent to me, errors and all.  I am going to import them into a PowerPoint and use them again as a study guide asking students to fix the errors.  It did give me some great formative feedback and reflection on student progress.  It also gave the students a fun project that kept their minds off Christmas break.

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